Aircon general service
The fundamental general Aircon administrations:
- Legitimate cleaning of the channels and external boards with water. This makes your framework run better giving you fresher and cooler air.
- An intensive cleaning of the evaporator loop, blower wheel, fan curl, checking of the blower and appropriate cleaning of the fan engines. Grimy loops can diminish your climate control systems execution productivity by 10%. The fan curl and the blowers are cleaned with the assistance of a brush as the residue and earth will be relaxed into the encompassing air. Our experts actualize the utilization of research facility endorsed and ensured synthetic concoctions to dispose of the microscopic organisms and the earth.
- The expert servicemen energize the framework, checks hoses, channels, belts and associations with guarantee that the blower and condenser are in an ideal running condition.
- An intensive visual review and checking of the condenser unit guarantee that the air flow in the unit isnt blocked. This guarantees the framework works at the correct temperature

What is Aircon general service?
Air conditioners are used by most people around the world, but there is no awareness in the general guidelines on how to handle them properly. As they continue to use the air conditioner, public service is a mandatory service. Service that should be done once every 4 months for your air conditioner. The reason is that when the ventilation is constantly running, the dust settles on the fan plates and blower. The dust thus standing becomes hardened due to the humidification over time, and the stench begins to blow. Due to this it is important to do normal service to prevent such problems.
Why to do general service? Is it necessary?
Why most of the air conditioner users do normal service/ general service. What is the reason to behind the aircon general service. singapore is a island , so is there climate changes happen frequently. in singapore humidification level not stable, so if your not maintain the room temperature it may cause the health issues like cold, breathing problem, alergyness. when you use air conditioner to your home you can control room temperature and humidification. when you start to use the air conditioner you should do general service 4 months once’s. in the the normal aircon service what to do
- clean the air filter and cover
- check the gas pressure and if any leakages on pipe
- water drain pipe cleaning
- Cooling speed checking
Benefits of general service?
Here we tell what are the benefits of Air Conditioner normal service / general service. When you are followed to service the aircon you will get the most benefits.
- aircon lifespan will be increased
- can prevent from the major problem.
- reduce electricity bill
- Cooling speed