Difference between aircon chemical wash & aircon chemical Overhaul

The warm climate in Singapore often leads to using air conditioners to cool our places. However, the regular usage of an aircon for long periods without aircon servicing can cause problems like a water leak, Foul smell, and light Blinking issues, reducing aircon lifespan etc. Hence this problem can be solved by the chemical overhaul or chemical wash service. Here we will guide you on the difference between a chemical wash and a chemical overhaul So that you could get an idea of both Aircon services.

Aircon Chemical Wash:

Aircon Chemical wash is the process of cleaning the Internal Components of  an aircon with chemicals. The process involves dismantling the internal parts, including the filters, condenser, evaporator coils and immersing them in a Chemical solution.

Advantages Of Aircon Chemical wash:

  1. Increase the air Quality

If your aircon runs more time without aircon service it can result in dirt, Blockage, and dust other particles. In such an issue we should do the aircon chemical wash service properly. then, you could sense the fresh cooling air without any dust particles as well as improve the air quality .

  1. Extend aircon Lifespan:

The aircon chemical wash process cleans the Internal Components of the aircon so that it reduces the aircon issues as well as Increase the aircon lifespan. So that you could use the aircon for many years.

  1. Low electricity Charge:

If your aircon produces a low cooling level, It may form dirt and blockage from the aircon. Such an issue might reduce the aircon performance and also the aircon will not provide the effective cooling level. When you switch on the aircon, it takes some time to cool the room. So automatically the electricity charge will increase. If you want to avoid this issue, you just do chemical wash service with the expert help.

  1. Prevent Water Leak issue:

If your aircon has a water leaking issue, then you can hire a professional aircon service expert to do the aircon chemical wash service. If you skip this problem it can eventually lead to big trouble. And fully formed Algae beside of your aircon and inside the aircon, so that there is more chance of stopping the aircon full performance. So you could avoid this kind of issue by doing Chemical wash.

  1. Prevent Bad Odor:

If your aircon produces a Bad odor, this is probably caused by mold and mildew build-up in the aircon unit. When you have noticed a bad odor smell , that is the clearest sign that you need an aircon chemical cleaning. An aircon chemical wash service will not only remove the bad odor but will also prevent future aircon issues of bacterial build-up from happening again.

The aircon chemical wash to ensure it can help your air conditioner prevent major issues. SGaircon aircon servicing company provides the aircon chemical wash service at a reasonable price with the best workmanship warranty. If your aircon has any such issues please let us know sg aircon will take care of your aircon.

What is Aircon Chemical Overhaul  ?

In the aircon chemical Overhaul process, the technician will dismantle the entire aircon unit and will clean each and every part separately by using chemical solvents. The entire dismantling of cleaning will remove 99% of dirt and dust to the inside of parts so that we could get clean air and avoid unexpected parts breakdown and the main advantage of chemical overhaul is we could increase our aircon lifespan. 

Advantages of Aircon Chemical Overhaul 

1. Clean entire aircon unit  :

The aircon Chemical overhaul process thoroughly cleans the entire unit by using chemicals. It will remove the dirt, dust particles, bad odor, Fungus  etc. The process to clean everything and check all inside aircon components in the air conditioner. After the chemical overhaul service, you could see the difference of aircon performance and a new look.

2. Good thermistor performance  :

The thermostat sensor is one of the most important for aircon, because the thermostat is responsible for cooling. If this part does not function properly, automatically reduce the cooling capacity. So you should clean the thermostat with an appropriate chemical solution to get an efficient cooling. It does not affect any corrosion. In this process prevents the major aircon issues from the thermostat and produces fresh cooling.

  1.  Prevent Water Leaking Issue :

If you do not maintain the aircon properly it can cause water leak from your aircon.  So that it forms algae and dirt. It might affect cooling efficiency and reduce aircon parts quality. It prevents this major issue. You should service the aircon by Chemical Overhaul.

  1. Prevent unexpected aircon Breakdown :

Air conditioner servicing is very important, If you use the aircon for a long time without servicing. It will have a chance to break down the aircon inside components parts. This can increase aircon repair charge and You will get more trouble. We have to do Aircon chemical overhaul service  yearly once so it helps the aircon components and avoids unexpected issues.

  1.  Reduced Electricity Bill and Save money  :

By doing chemical overhaul service it  will help to clean dirt, dust, and clog , so it will not  take more  time to cool the room. and it also  prevents major aircon issues. It benefits by reducing your electricity bill and saves your repair cost.

Chemical overhaul service is a must for your air conditioner every year. It helps the aircon performance and eliminates the  aircon issue. If you are looking for a chemical overhaul service you can engage the sg aircon service company.